Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

We had a lovely Candlelight Service at Central UMC tonight - I hope all of you have the Christmas Spirit that we received tonight. For me it was a wonderful send-off for two weeks of celebrating Christmas with children who probably don't have a lot of joy in their lives. Thank you again for all your prayers and support.

After the first three nights in the orphanages we will move to the Hotel Ismaylovo. Their web page indicates that there is internet access at the hotel and I hope I will be able to access this blog and give you an update on how we are doing in Moscow. Just remember, I won't be able to do this till after January 1 if at all, so don't worry if you don't hear anything.

Speaking of not hearing anything, I am having trouble sending out e-mail. Charter was bought out by Suddenlink and all the Charter customers have to change to Suddenlink addresses. I worked with a techie person on the phone for over an hour the other night and we thought we had my account straightened out but now I'm not able to send again although I'm receiving everything just fine. So if you're expecting a reply to an e-mail and don't get it, you have my apologies! If I don't get it fixed by Wednesday I'll work on it when I get back.

Now I'm going to go watch the end of one of my favorite Christmas movies, "I'ts a Wonderful Life" and think about the two (!) wonderful Christmas dinners I'm going to have tomorrow. ;-)

Christmas Blessings!

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