Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Hep A Part 2

I had the second part of my Hepatitis A shot today. I had the first part back in June when I first decided to go on this trip and the two parts have to be six months apart. This and a tetanus shot were the only two that my doctor recommended and even they weren't required. I got my flu shot today in the other arm and it's a little bit sore.

I was asked Sunday at church if I was fearful about going. My reply was "No, I'm excited! If I could go home, pack tonight and leave tomorrow I would." God has this trip in His hands and I believe we're in no more danger than we are sitting at home in Charleston. I'm well aware of the political situation in Vladimir Putin's Russia: Chechen rebels and the recent controversy about the former Russian spy Litvienko who was poisoned and died in London. Even so, there is violence everywhere and you can't live your life in hiding - you need to live it to the fullest seeking God's will in everything you do. That's what this trip is all about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful response to that question. God has given me a real sense of peace about this trip as well and I know that your confidence and assurance has played such a huge role in that.

Leslie (Lyns' mom)