Saturday, August 19, 2006

Visa Application

No, not the credit card! In addition to my passport I need a visa to enter Russia. The application, which was part of my information packet from Tom Clark, is from the Russian government. They want to know everything about you before they let you across their borders. Among the questions asked were my parents' full names and birth dates, every educational institution I have attended beyond high school, my current place of employment including address, phone number and supervisor's name and my last two places of employment with all the same information. They want to know if you have any relatives in Russia, any Russian relatives in the U.S., have you ever had a visa in Russia, have you ever overstayed your visa in Russia, have you ever been involved in any criminal activities (especially drugs), etc. I had to provide a lot more information for the Russian visa than I did for my U.S. passport!

Many thanks to those of you who have donated to my trip, either money, circus tickets or presents for the children. It is very much appreciated!

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