Friday, January 05, 2007


That last post was done while I was surrounded by about a dozen Russian kids from Baikal. We were looking for web pages about West Virginia, Lake Baikal, California's Governor Schwarzenegger and all kinds of other things. They spoke English a whole lot better than I speak Russian! What a joy! That is part of what this trip is all about - making friends and showing each other what God's love is all about. I don't know that they really understood what I was doing here but I know they had some fun with a strange American and they will remember that.

I was going to use this time to describe the Kremlin, Christ the Savior Cathedral and the art gallery we toured this afternoon but this was MUCH better!

We go to another orphanage tomorrow, the ballet tomorrow night, church services at the Cathedral the next day and a folk dancing performance, then services at a Methodist church. We leave on the next day and I will be home in W.Va. in the wee hours of the 9th. If I don't post before then I'll see you then.

All my love,


Unknown said...

I have really enjoyed your blog...
I hope to hear more when you return.

I pray that you will have a safe journey home.

Take Care of My little Girl.

Love you gals..

David G.

Marsha said...


It's obvious from your messages how happy you are...your words almost dance with the joy in your heart.

When do you start planning the next trip?!
