Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Kids' Presents I Still Need

You all are great! I have almost all the things I need to make up the Christmas packages for the Russian orphans we will be visiting. (Each volunteer is responsible for 25 kits.)

Thanks to Jean Young and her granddaughters - they hit the stores and bought all the gloves, nail polish, lip gloss and most of the hats that I still needed. Also, my dear friend Elaine Anderson has pledged all the hand lotion I will need. Here's the list of what I still need:

Girls' make-up (other than lip gloss) - 25 of each item
(Since I have 25 girly items I'm not going to need boys' cologne. If you have already purchased some for me I will see that it gets to another volunteer for use in their packages.)
Winter hats - 9
Toothbrushes - 22
Toothpaste - 15
Erasers, pens, pencils - 25 or more
Girls' socks - 25

It's going to be such a joy for me to see the faces of the kids when they receive their Christmas packages. I promise to take lots of pictures to share with you when I get back!

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