Friday, September 29, 2006

Almost Paid For!

I mailed in the third installment toward the cost of my trip yesterday. What a relief! I have to make one more payment of $600 and then another $100 for the cost of the bus trip to D.C. I've had some much appreciated help from my church, Central UMC, and I'm talking with some folks about a couple of fund-raisers.

I noticed that next summer's trip to Moscow will cost $2700 - I don't know if this is an increase over last year's summer trip but I'm glad mine only costs $2000. I heard today that oil and gas prices are going down and that should help decrease travel costs but these days, who knows?

On an unrelated note, if you get the Charleston Daily Mail go to section C and look at the page 1 article about the Seniors' Bible School at Central. Neat!

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