Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Presents Needed!

First, pardon my delay in posting! Time got away from me over Easter - when you're a church musician you're very busy during this time of year. Also, my church is involved in plans for a possible merger of five congregations and I'm on the committee that is working on that. Let's see if I can't get on the ball and give you some information!

I'm already getting donations of presents for the from the wonderful folks at church and from some of the groups to whom I've given talks. Other friends have asked me for the list of items needed so here goes:

Infant and Toddler List

Coloring Books

Box of 8 Crayons

Tube of Chapstick

Sheet of Stickers

Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Infant and Toddler Socks

Matchbox Car for Boys

Small Doll for Girls

Signed Christmas Card

Children and Youth List

Make Up and Nail Polish for Girls

Cologne for Boys

Winter Gloves and Knitted Winter Hat

Tube of Chapstick

Tube of Hand Lotion

Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Pad of Writing Paper, Erasers

Pencils, Pens, Pencil Sharpener

Socks for Boys or Girls

Signed Christmas Card

All the items will be sorted and distributed in two-gallon Zip-Lock bags. Don't worry about sorting them yourself; it is easier to pack like items together. The team will have a packing party the first night we are there to put the bags together by age and gender.

If you live in the Charleston, West Virginia area I will gladly come and pick up the items. If you live elsewhere and need to ship the items contact me through the blog and we will make arrangements. Please keep in mind that it costs money to ship these items to Russia (at least $50 per 50 pound box) and cash donations to Volunteers In Mission for this expense are greatly appreciated. We will take as much as we can in our luggage allowance and pay for the extra weight of the additional boxes. It's no more expensive to do it this way than by a shipping company and if the boxes are with us they have a better chance of actually reaching their destination. Contact me if you have any questions about any of this.

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