Monday, September 11, 2006

How cold will it be?!?

Several people have asked me how cold it's going to be in Moscow in December and January and how I will keep warm.

Well, the average temperature in Moscow in January is -10C!

As for keeping warm, that's what long underwear is all about. Several people have recommended "Cuddlz" brand so as soon as J.C. Penny has some in stock I'll buy a couple sets. They also recommend layering clothes with T-shirts underneath sweaters or sweatshirts. I have lots of gloves, mittens and winter scarves and a good pair of snowboots. I have several warm coats, too, so I just have to decide which one to take.

However cold it is, I bet that when I get back to Charleston I'll think it's summertime!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Margie, I would like to help with your trip, maybe suppling (?spelling) hats and gloves. Let me know if this will help. Lisa Samples