Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Here We Go Again!

I wasn't able to go to Russia with WVVIM last year, but 2011-12 is a go!  I got my e-ticket from Rev. Tom Clark this week and I'm so excited!  We will be returning to Tomsk in Siberia for the first week and then returning to Moscow for the second week to visit several orphanages there.  We have a special invitation to spend extra time at Orphanage #11 where the emphasis is on music and the arts.  That's the orphanage where my special little girl, Masha, lived, but I'm happy to tell you that she was adopted in 2010 by a lady living in Moscow.  I think it is wonderful!

In the past I have asked my friends to donate toys and school supplies for us to take with us as presents for the kids, but because of the extremely high cost of shipping items we are asking for monetary donations and will buy the presents over there.  You can make a donation by sending a check to "Volunteers In Mission", P.O. Box 969, Summersville, WV  26651-0969.  In the memo line, put "12th Annual Orphans Christmas Party".

There are only ten of us going this year, but I know most of them and I know we'll have a great time.  My roomie Jan is one of those going, so I know we'll have fun!  I'll keep you posted!

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