Monday, October 15, 2007


Dear Friends,
Let me apologize for taking so long to get back to this blog! I got busy with another project (more on that later) and time slipped away. All of a sudden it's October and I'm getting ready to go to Russia for the 2007-8 Orphans Christmas! Several of you have asked when I was going to get back to the blog and I kept saying, "Soon, soon!" Well, "soon" is finally here. I'll be finishing up the pictures from last year's trip and letting you know what's coming up. I will also re-post the list of items I need to take with me as presents for the kids
The project I mentioned above was being on the Ministry Action Planning Team that is working to unite my church, Central United Methodist, with five other churches in the Downtown and West Side areas of Charleston. It is a monumental task, as you can imagine, full of emotions ranging from grief and despair to joy and hope. I've been given the task of being the "scribe" for the MAP Team and all my writing skills (such as they are!) have been poured into keeping up with minutes and published summaries of our activities. The situation has calmed down a little bit for the moment so I hope to be able to spend a little time blogging and catching up on some other areas of my life.
Thanks for your interest and patience!

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